The Hunted: The Complete Series (The Hunted #1-4) Read online

  The Hunted Series

  The Complete Collection


  Temptation, Addiction, Eruption, Devotion, and a brand new Extended Epilogue

  By Ivy Smoak

  Copyright 2021 Ivy Smoak

  All Rights Reserved

  Want a behind-the-scenes look at my journey as an author? The ups, the downs, the movie deals…I’ll share it all!

  And as a special thank you for joining, you’ll get an exclusive copy of a super steamy bonus scene of James and Penny.

  CLICK HERE to join the party!




  T - PART 1

  T - Chapter 1

  T - Chapter 2

  T - Chapter 3

  T - Chapter 4

  T - Chapter 5

  T - Chapter 6

  T - Chapter 7

  T - Chapter 8

  T - Chapter 9

  T - Chapter 10

  T - Chapter 11

  T - Chapter 12

  T - Chapter 13

  T - Chapter 14

  T - Chapter 15

  T - Chapter 16

  T - Chapter 17

  T - Chapter 18

  T - Chapter 19

  T - Chapter 20

  T - PART 2

  T - Chapter 21

  T - Chapter 22

  T - Chapter 23

  T - Chapter 24

  T - Chapter 25

  T - Chapter 26

  T - Chapter 27

  T - Chapter 28

  T - Chapter 29

  T - Chapter 30

  T - Chapter 31

  T - Chapter 32

  T - Chapter 33

  T - Chapter 34

  T - Chapter 35

  T - PART 3

  T - Chapter 36

  T - Chapter 37

  T - Chapter 38

  T - Chapter 39

  T - Chapter 40

  T - Chapter 41

  T - Chapter 42

  T - Chapter 43

  T - Chapter 44

  T - Chapter 45

  T - Chapter 46

  T - Chapter 47

  T - Chapter 48

  T - Chapter 49

  T - Chapter 50

  T - Chapter 51

  T - Chapter 52

  T - Chapter 53

  ADDICTION (Book 2)

  A - PART 1

  A - Chapter 1

  A - Chapter 2

  A - Chapter 3

  A - Chapter 4

  A - Chapter 5

  A - Chapter 6

  A - Chapter 7

  A - Chapter 8

  A - Chapter 9

  A - PART 2

  A - Chapter 10

  A - Chapter 11

  A - Chapter 12

  A - Chapter 13

  A - Chapter 14

  A - Chapter 15

  A - Chapter 16

  A - Chapter 17

  A - Chapter 18

  A - Chapter 19

  A - Chapter 20

  A - Chapter 21

  A - PART 3

  A - Chapter 22

  A - Chapter 23

  A - Chapter 24

  A - Chapter 25

  A - Chapter 26

  A - Chapter 27

  A - Chapter 28

  A - Chapter 29

  A - Chapter 30

  A - Chapter 31

  A - Chapter 32

  A - Chapter 33

  A - Chapter 34

  A - Chapter 35

  ERUPTION (Book 3)

  E - PART 1

  E - Chapter 1

  E - Chapter 2

  E - Chapter 3

  E - Chapter 4

  E - Chapter 5

  E - Chapter 6

  E - Chapter 7

  E - Chapter 8

  E - Chapter 9

  E - Chapter 10

  E - PART 2

  E - Chapter 11

  E - Chapter 12

  E - Chapter 13

  E - Chapter 14

  E - Chapter 15

  E - Chapter 16

  E - Chapter 17

  E - Chapter 18

  E - Chapter 19

  E - Chapter 20

  E - Chapter 21

  E - Chapter 22

  E - PART 3

  E - Chapter 23

  E - Chapter 24

  E - Chapter 25

  E - Chapter 26

  E - Chapter 27

  E - Chapter 28

  E - Chapter 29

  E - Chapter 30

  DEVOTION (Book 4)

  D - PART 1

  D - Chapter 1

  D - Chapter 2

  D - Chapter 3

  D - Chapter 4

  D - Chapter 5

  D - Chapter 6

  D - Chapter 7

  D - Chapter 8

  D - Chapter 9

  D - Chapter 10

  D - Chapter 11

  D - Chapter 12

  D - Chapter 13

  D - Chapter 14

  D - Chapter 15

  D - Chapter 16

  D - PART 2

  D - Chapter 17

  D - Chapter 18

  D - Chapter 19

  D - Chapter 20

  D - Chapter 21

  D - Chapter 22

  D - Chapter 23

  D - Chapter 24

  D - Chapter 25

  D - Chapter 26

  D - Chapter 27

  D - Chapter 28

  D - Chapter 29

  D - PART 3

  D - Chapter 30

  D - Chapter 31

  D - Chapter 32

  D - Chapter 33

  D - Chapter 34

  D - Chapter 35

  D - Chapter 36

  D - Chapter 37

  D - Chapter 38

  D - Chapter 39


  EE - Chapter 1

  EE - Chapter 2

  EE - Chapter 3

  EE - Chapter 4

  EE - Chapter 5

  EE - Chapter 6

  EE - Chapter 7

  Steamy Bonus Scene

  A Note From Ivy


  The Hunted Series Book 1

  By Ivy Smoak

  T - PART 1

  T - Chapter 1


  I pulled my phone out of my backpack and scrolled through my messages. There were still no new ones. I dropped it back into my bag and stared into my coffee cup. He had told me he missed me, so I had come up to campus early to surprise him, but he hadn't returned my two calls. I shouldn't have made that second call. Now I was sitting in his favorite coffee shop hoping to casually run into him.

  Luckily my roommate, Melissa, had showed up yesterday so I wouldn't have to be alone in our dorm room. We had walked up to Main Street, despite the rain, to buy our books, then spent the whole rest of the day catching up from summer break. Mostly we complained about our minimum wage retail jobs. It had been her idea for me to grab an early coffee here in hopes of running into him. She had even helped me with my hair and makeup this morning. He wasn't here though, and now I felt rather like a stalker.

  My phone buzzed and I grabbed it eagerly. I slid my finger across the screen and looked down at the message icon. But it was just my alarm, reminding me that it was almost time for my first class. I had to get across campus. I hastily tugged the zipper of my backpack closed and lifted the strap over my shoulder.

  The coffee shop was abuzz that morning. None of the other students were used to waking up this early either. Caffeine was a necessity. I grabbed my umbrella in one hand and my coffee cup in the other and squeezed my way past the other patrons.

floor was slick near the exit from everyone tramping in and out into the rain. Despite Melissa's protests, I had worn my rain boots, and I was glad I had when my feet slid slightly on the linoleum. As I regained my balance, someone came bursting into the coffee shop. The door swung in and collided with my cup. Coffee splashed onto my shirt as my cup fell to the ground. As I began to slip again, I suddenly felt two strong hands on me, holding me steady.

  "I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" said a deep voice.

  "I'm fine." I kept my eyes on the ground. "It wasn't hot anymore." I left off the fact that it was cold because I had been sitting in the coffee shop for half an hour acting like a crazy stalker.

  His hands slowly fell off my waist. "I'm afraid I've ruined your shirt."

  I looked at the brown coffee stains that showed clearly on my blue tank top. "Oh, crap, I have an 8 a.m. I don't have time to change." I wished I had worn a coat to protect myself from the cool rain instead of bringing an umbrella.

  "Here," he said. He put down his satchel and lifted off his gray sweater. The white dress shirt he was wearing underneath lifted slightly as he pulled off the sweater, and I caught a glimpse of his abs. I let my eyes wander to his face. It looked like he had stepped out of the pages of a magazine. He looked older, possibly a grad student. His hair was dark brown and wet from the rain. The way it was sticking up made it look like he had just run his hands through it. His jawbone was sharp and there were dimples in his cheeks. His eyes were a deep brown like his hair and they were staring at me intently. My heart began to beat fast. He handed me his sweater.

  "That's okay. I can't take that," I laughed uneasily. "I'll be fine." I moved to the side so he could pass by me. I felt my cheeks begin to blush.

  "I insist." He had a slight smile on his face. "First day of classes," he shrugged. "You'll want to make a good first impression."

  I took the sweater from him. "Thank you," I said quietly. I pulled the sweater over my head. It was huge but comfortable. The scent of sweet cologne drifted off of it. It made me feel slightly dizzy. I could feel myself staring at him. "I'm sorry, I have to go, I'm going to be late." He was so handsome that I was acting even more awkward than usual.

  His lips parted like he was about to say something, but then they closed again. I smiled gratefully and walked out of the coffee shop. As I made my way to my class I knew I must look ridiculous. A baggy sweater, leggings, and bright red rain boots. I must look like a child. But I was grateful. Coffee stains down the front of me would have been worse than a baggy sweater. Melissa was going to love this story.

  T - Chapter 2


  I looked down at my schedule to double check the room number before entering. After yesterday's embarrassment at the coffee shop I didn't want to make myself look like a fool today too. I was one of the first ones there, so I made my way to the back of the classroom. At most professors' annoyance, I was more of a spectator than a participator in class. This class was going to be my worst nightmare. Most people put it off until senior year, but I wanted to get it out of the way early. Now I was regretting my decision.

  I sat down at one of the wooden desks all the way in the corner, pulled out a new notebook and pen, and stared out the window next to me. "Forget about Austin," Melissa had said last night after hearing my story. "I like the sound of this new guy. Plus he smells like a million bucks." I didn't disagree with her. I had folded the sweater and left it on my desk chair, but its smell wafted into the room. My dreams had been filled with coffee shop encounters with the stranger all night. Dreams where I didn't run away in his sweater and forget to ask his name.

  "Welcome to Comm 212 - Oral Communication in Business. I am Professor Hunter." The professor paused in his introduction and I turned from the window to look at him. He was staring directly at me. I took a deep breath. It was the stranger from the coffee shop. He cleared his throat and looked away from me.

  "I know that most of you are seniors and have waited until the last minute to take this class. I haven't met a student yet who was excited about Comm. Heck, I don't even like teaching it."

  Light laughter broke out amongst the students. I just stared at him in horror.

  "Seriously, we have to teach this class on a rotating basis. I'm not even sure I'm qualified. I promise it won't be as painful as the rumors have made it out to be, though. I tend to grade rather easily so there's no need to be nervous when you're giving speeches. But I like to jump right into things. I'm going to take attendance. When I call your name, please stand and tell me one interesting fact about yourself. Then I'll stop torturing you and you can all leave class early. Not so bad, right? Okay, Raymond Asher."

  A boy in the middle of the classroom stood up from his desk. "Hi, I'm Ray. Hmmm, one interesting thing about myself? Well, I'm pretty good with the ladies."

  "Yeah right, Ray," the girl beside him teased.

  He tried to kiss the girl on the cheek when he sat back down, but she pulled away.

  "Well I can tell we'll all be enjoying your speeches. Ellie Doyle?"

  A girl stood up in the front of the room and began talking, but I tuned her out. My heart was racing fast. I barely liked saying "here" when a professor called my name. I stared at Professor Hunter as he listened to the answers his students were giving. Every now and then a smile would break over his face. He was so handsome.

  "Tyler Stevens?" Professor Hunter called.

  He was getting close to my name. I looked down at the blank paper in front of me and tried to focus.

  "Penny Taylor?"

  My throat went dry.

  "Penny Taylor?" the professor repeated.

  I slowly stood up. "Hi everyone, I'm Penny." I could feel my face turning red. "Unfortunately, you'll need another of me for my thoughts."

  I sat back down. What did I just say?

  "Weird," some girl scoffed near the front of the class. A few other people around her snickered.

  A smile spread across Professor Hunter's face. "A penny for your thoughts. Well I guess I'll have to bring my piggy bank with me on Friday. Mia Thompson?"

  I exhaled slowly and tuned out Mia's answer as I attempted to slow down my accelerated heartbeat. A penny clanged on top of my desk. I looked over to my right at the boy sitting next to me. He had shaggy blonde hair and scruff on his face. His eyes were a bright blue.

  "I'd pay for your thoughts any day," he said with a smile.

  I had been too busy freaking out to have noticed what he said in his introduction. Instead of saying anything, I tucked my hair behind my ear.

  "Sigma Pi is having a party Thursday night. You should come, Penny." He handed me a flyer.

  "What's your name?"

  "Tyler. You know, the guitarist."

  I nodded at him politely, knowing that I should have already known his name and his interesting fact.

  "You should pay better attention. And since there's no homework for this class, I know you aren't too busy, so I'll see you Thursday," he said with a wink. He picked up his backpack and slung it over one shoulder.

  The room was clearing out. I put my notebook into my backpack. Professor Hunter looked at Tyler as he left the room, and then his eyes fell on me. I felt my face flush again. I gave Professor Hunter a small smile and then looked down as I passed by his desk. His chair squeaked and then I felt his fingers as they grazed my forearm. I shivered slightly at his touch.

  "Miss Taylor, I'm sorry again about your shirt."

  I folded my arms across my chest, suddenly cold. "Oh, no, I'm sorry."

  He was quiet for a moment as he looked at me. "Why are you sorry? I was the one that hit you with the door."

  I didn't know what I meant. I had a habit of apologizing for everything. "I just meant, about taking your sweater. I'll bring it back."

  "No rush. I have quite a few," he gestured to the one he was wearing. It was identical to the one he had given me, except it was a grayish green.

  A wave of his sweet scent suddenly hit me. I looked up into hi
s eyes. My fantasies from the previous night wanted to escape. I had a strong desire to be bold, but boldness was only for my dreams. "I didn't realize you were a professor," I blurted out.

  He smiled. "It's more fun when students think of me as their peer. I believe it fosters better learning."

  That wasn't what I had meant. I meant that he looked really young. How old is he? I realized I was staring at him and silently cursed to myself. "Well I should probably go. I'll see you Friday, Professor Hunter."

  He lowered his eyebrows slightly when I said his name, as if he was offended. He nodded to me and said, "Miss Taylor."

  T - Chapter 3


  "Come on, it's Thursday night!" Melissa said as she looked through my closet.

  "Yeah, which means I have classes tomorrow." I had a sinking feeling in my stomach when I thought about what I'd have to do in Professor Hunter's class the next morning. I wasn't sure if I could handle standing up and talking every class. Especially in front of Professor Hunter. Why did he have to be a professor? Melissa had talked me out of going to my advisor and dropping the class. And she was right, I would regret it if I put it off. Melissa didn't know that I was having dreams about Professor Hunter though. He was just so sexy.

  "You were invited to the party. Which means you need to go so that I can get in."

  "Just take the flyer," I protested. "They'll let you in. It's a frat and you're a girl. That's all you need."

  "Stop moping around, Penny. Yes, Austin was a jerk. Yes, mystery coffee shop man is your professor and therefore un-datable. But you're forgetting about the third guy. It sounds like Tyler is cute and funny. A funny guy is always charming."

  "I don't know, frat parties are always so sleazy."

  "Penny, there is nothing you can say that will get you out of going to this party. Now put this on," she tossed some clothes at me.

  I rolled my eyes. "Fine. You win. As always." I went to the other side of the room and slowly undressed. I pulled the sparkly blue miniskirt on and put on my best pushup bra and a low-cut, white tank top. I was just finishing my mascara when Melissa walked back into the room.

  "Penny, you look amazing."

  "I look like a hooker. Melissa, it's going to be cold out tonight. Shouldn't I wear a little, well, more?"

  "These are the last few days of summer. You have to rock that outfit while you can. These shoes," she said and handed me a pair of shimmery heels. The heels had to be at least five inches tall. Melissa was dressed similar to me, except her skirt didn't sparkle, and if possible, it was slightly shorter than mine.